Easiest Way to Make Super Quick Homemade Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang

Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang. Bihun Goreng Fried Vermicelli, also known as Bee Hoon Goreng. A popular stir fried vermicelli noodle dish that originates from Indonesia and is commonly eaten in South East Asia. This noodle dish originating from Indonesia and popular in Southeast Asian countries.

Easiest Way to Make Super Quick Homemade Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang Fried vermicelli with juicy and plump king prawns a.k.a Bihun goreng udang Fried vermicelli or popularly known as Bihun Goreng is another Malaysian's favourite dish. A dish that is suitable for any time of the day…some like it for breakfast, some eat it during lunch and some prefer to have it as dinners. See recipes for Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang too.

Hey everyone, it’s Brad, welcome to my recipe page. Today, we’re going to prepare a special dish, shrimp fried vermicelli/bihun goreng udang. It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It’s simple, it’s quick, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions every day. Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang is something which I have loved my entire life. They’re nice and they look fantastic.

Bihun Goreng Fried Vermicelli, also known as Bee Hoon Goreng. A popular stir fried vermicelli noodle dish that originates from Indonesia and is commonly eaten in South East Asia. This noodle dish originating from Indonesia and popular in Southeast Asian countries.

To get started with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can have shrimp fried vermicelli/bihun goreng udang using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

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The ingredients needed to make Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang:

  1. Prepare 1 packet of vermicelli (450 gr).
  2. Make ready 200 gr of shrimp.
  3. Make ready 1 of onion (big size).
  4. Make ready 4 cloves of garlic.
  5. Prepare 1 of carrot.
  6. Make ready 1/4 of cabbage from whole.
  7. Take 4-5 of stems celery leaves.
  8. Make ready 4-5 stalks of spring onions.
  9. Get 5 tbsp of oil.
  10. Take 1.5 tsp of salt.
  11. Prepare 1.5 tsp of black pepper (you can put less if doesn't like spicy).
  12. Prepare 3 tbsp of sweet soy sauce.
  13. Prepare 4-5 tbsp of chili sauce/siracha (depends on how spicy you want).

Easiest Way to Make Ultimate Caesar Salad Dressing. This Caesar salad dressing is always a hit! For extra presentation serve with croutons, cubes of avocado flesh, and grated Parmesan cheese.… Bihun goreng, bee hoon goreng or mee hoon goreng refers to a dish of fried noodles cooked with rice vermicelli in both the Indonesian and Malay languages. In certain countries, such as Singapore, the term goreng is occasionally substituted with its English equivalent for the name of the dish.

Steps to make Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang:

  1. Prepare the basin big enough to soak the vermicelli. Put the vermicelli in the basin and add hot water, close the basin. Wait for three minutes and turn the side of the rice noodle, so it soaks evenly./Siapkan baskom yang cukup besar untuk merendam bihun. Masukkan bihun ke dalam baskom dan tambahkan air panas, tutup baskom. Tunggu selama tiga menit dan balik sisi bihun agar terendam secara merata..
  2. Close the basin, and leave it for 5 minutes. After the vermicelli is soft, strain vermicelli uses a sieve and put it under the cold running water, so the vermicelli does not stick to each other. Leave and drain it./Tutup baskom, dan biarkan selama 5 menit. Setelah bihun empuk, saring bihun menggunakan ayakan dan siram di bawah air dingin yang mengalir, agar bihun tidak saling menempel. Biarkan dan tiriskan.. Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
  3. Smash the black pepper using mortar, add the garlic, half tsp salt, continue to smash, and make it garlic paste. Wash the carrot and cabbage, peel it and cut it./Haluskan lada hitam atau merica dengan cobek, tambahkan bawang putih, setengah sdt garam dan buat menjadi pasta bawang putih. Cuci wortel dan kubis, kupas dan potong..
  4. Slice the onion, cut the spring onions and celery leaves, keep aside. Prepare the wok or frying pan, put the oil, heat it. Saute onion till onion wilted, then add the garlic paste to saute for 3-4 minutes./iris bawang bombay, potong daun bawang dan daun seledri, sisihkan. Siapkan wajan atau penggorengan, masukkan minyak, panaskan. Tumis bawang bombay hingga bawang bombay layu, lalu tambahkan pasta bawang putih untuk ditumis selama 3-4 menit.. Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
  5. Add the shrimp, keep sauteing till the shrimp is cook. Add the carrot and cabbage. Continue to sauteing it for around five minutes till the vegetables are wilting./Tambahkan udang, tumis terus sampai udang matang. Tambahkan wortel dan kubis. Lanjutkan menumis selama sekitar lima menit sampai sayuran layu.. Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
    Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
  6. Add the salt, chili sauce, and sweet soy sauce, continue to stir for 2-3 minutes, then add the vermicelli./Tambahkan garam, sambal, dan kecap manis, aduk terus selama 2-3 menit, lalu tambahkan bihun.. Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
  7. Mix the vermicelli evenly covered with seasoning, keep stirring it for 6-7 minutes. Add the celery and spring onion, and stir it gently for 2 minutes, and shrimp fried vermicelli is ready./Campur bihun yang sudah dibumbui bumbu, aduk terus selama 6-7 menit. Tambahkan seledri dan daun bawang, aduk perlahan selama 2 menit, dan bihun goreng udang siap.. Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
    Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
    Shrimp Fried Vermicelli/Bihun Goreng Udang
  8. Shrimp fried vermicelli is ready to serve, accompanied by pickles, fried eggs, or another saltish food./Bihun goreng udang siap dihidangkan ditemani acar, telur goreng, atau makana asin lainnya..
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Meanwhile, in a large skillet, saute garlic in oil until tender. Stir in the crab, shrimp, lemon juice and pepper. Pour Alfredo sauce over shrimp and broccoli; cover sauce with Parmesan cheese. Add shrimp, tomatoes, and cooked penne and toss until combined. (Add another splash of milk if mixture is too. Bihun Goreng (Stir Fry Rice Vermicelli) Ifu Mie (Deep Fried Noodles Topped with Stir Fried Vegetables and Meat) Ketoprak (Indonesian Vermicelli Noodles with Tofu and Peanut Sauce).

So that’s going to wrap this up with this special food shrimp fried vermicelli/bihun goreng udang recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I’m sure you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!